‘Stephen Altoft is an explorer who draws maps of musical terrain with his trumpet’   (Max Christie, The Whole Note)

Welcome to Stephen Altoft’s Website. On this website you will find many useful links, resources and downloads, we hope you enjoy having a look around!



24th October. IFMS Jahreskonzert, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. 8pm. Duos with duo Contour and Katharina Schmauder (violin/ viola) alongside performances of colleagues of the IFMS.

GLAS with the Black Forest Percussion Group

15th November, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. 8pm

16th November, Evangelische Versöhnungskirche Waldshut, Germany. 8pm.

OKNA by Petr Eben and a new work by Natalia Gaviola.

Recordings on the Internet:

New: Premier of under; elsewhere by Emily Koh. A live recording from Das Stimmt!!- with strings attached (EUROMicroFest 2024), Freiburg from 8th March.

New: Improvisation II with Karin Fleck, Accordion.

Follow  the ‘Tributes to Donald’ YouTube series, on microtonal and non-microtonal flugelhorn.

Check out the SOUNDSCAPES composition/ improvisation project with composer, Gilbert Isbin. 

FLOWduo improvisations with bassist, Johannes Nied.

Time Dreaming Album, purchase on Bandcamp or available to stream on digital platforms (Apple Music, Amazon Music, Spotify etc). Watch trailer here

Short biography:

Stephen Altoft is dedicated to the creation of new repertoire for the trumpet. As a solo artist, and with percussionist Lee Ferguson as duo Contour, he has given concerts throughout Asia, Europe, the United States and Canada.

He is particularly working on microtonal trumpets and microtonal flugelhorn, with Microtonal Projects.

Stephen’s CD- RASP available here

Follow Stephen on Bandcamp

Watch Stephen’s Microtonal Projects’ videos on YouTube

Watch Stephen’s non-microtonal videos on YouTube

‘Honest Homages’ for Solo Ukulele, published by Donald Bousted Edition and watch them on YouTube